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5 Convictions That Can Be Expunged from Your Records

Having a criminal record can have long-lasting negative effects even after you’ve served your debt to society. In fact, it doesn’t matter if your case was dismissed or if you were exonerated. Your conviction still exists on a public record and th ...

Traveling With A DUI and The Restrictions You Face

Getting a DUI can be difficult to deal with in your life. You often have to take classes, pay fines, and handle any repercussions with your driver’s license. It can be very stressful to live your normal life after a DUI. However, there are some res ...

Police Quotas: Fact or Myth?

We have all heard the stories about police quotas and the need to meet numbers. There are plenty of people who will tell you that there are more tickets at the end of the month, because of police quotas. But, there is also a lot of talk that these ar ...

Find Out What a Newport DUI Lawyer Can Do for You

If you have been arrested for a DUI, you may be tempted to plead guilty and accept whatever punishment the court assigns. That attitude is understandable, but it doesn’t serve your best interests. The best way to put this incident behind you and ge ...

What Are the Steps to Deal with DUI Charges?

You have just been charged with a DUI. What do you do next and what are the steps to deal with DUI charges? People in your shoes need to know the steps to deal with DUI charges because the choices you make early on have a big impact on outcomes later ...

DUI Myths: Solved!

What is True and What is Not! A DUI is a serious charge, but it doesn’t have to wreck your reputation, your finances, or your future. In order to navigate the legal process as effectively as possible, it’s imperative that you separate fact from ...

3 Reasons You Need a RI DWI Attorney

The steps you take immediately after being charged with a DWI are crucial. If you decide to plead guilty outright and accept whatever punishment the police and prosecutor decide is fair, you will want to rethink that strategy. Without the help of ...

Are DUI Stops Color Blind?

While DUI stops are something that happens in all communities, some are more affected than others. While it can be hard to pinpoint whether racism is at hand, there are patterns that cannot be denied. DUI Stops Statistics While there is no disput ...

Drugged Driving is Quickly Surpassing Drunk Driving

With the legalization of drugs, there are some questions about the effects of drugged driving and whether or not it is a problem. While the data is still rolling in and can be somewhat hard to discern, there is still an idea of where things are headi ...

How to prevent a DUI

When you are pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence, it is important to avoid doing anything that could worsen the situation. However, the biggest dilemma for many drivers is deciding whether to take the breathalyzer test. In cas ...

How Do I Get a Criminal Charge Expungement?

America is the land of opportunity. Sometimes this opportunity can come in the form of a second chance. In America, if convicted of a crime it is possible to have it taken off your record eventually. This removal from your record is known as a crimin ...

DUI Accidents: The Consequences

If you drive drunk and end up in an accident, then you could find yourself in serious trouble. In addition to facing DUI charges, there are other consequences to your actions. Learn out how DUI accidents can affect the lives of both the drivers ...